
Beans and other legumes: Cooking tips

Types of legumes

Many supermarkets and food stores stock a wide variety of legumes — both dried and canned. Below are several types and their typical uses.

  • Adzuki beans (also known as field peas or red beans): Soups, sweet bean paste, and Japanese and Chinese dishes
  • Anasazi beans: Soups and Southwestern dishes; can be used in recipes that call for pinto beans
  • Black-eyed peas (also known as cowpeas): Salads, casseroles, fritters and Southern dishes
  • Edamame: Snacks, salads, casseroles and rice dishes
  • Fava beans (also known as broad beans): Stews and side dishes
  • Garbanzo beans (also known as chickpeas): Casseroles, hummus, minestrone soup, and Spanish and Indian dishes
  • Lentils: Soups, stews, salads, side dishes and Indian dishes
  • Soy nuts: Snack or garnish for salads

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